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Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 09:49:45 +0900
From: Hiroto Matsuura <>
Subject: [PR-J 01603] Fwd:[PR-EN] News about the Brazilian Perry Rhodan edition
Message-Id: <>
X-Mail-Count: 01603



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message of "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22C=E9sar_Augusto_F=2E_Maciel=22?=" 
<> is following:
    Hello everybody! Here is the English translation of some good news 
that were published today on SSPG's website. Enjoy!

    Best regards,
    Céóar Augusto F. Maciel - Assistant publisher for Perry Rhodan at SSPG

SSPG announces a new phase of the Perry Rhodan Brazilian edition

Among all possibilities revealed by the survey, publishing more
stories each month seems to be, from the editors' point of view,
the best alternative for now. SSPG realizes that its strongest
asset is the "Perry Rhodan" series itself, and doubling its release
schedule will help to consolidate the series even more in Brazil.

Since June 2003, when the translation of issue 700 began, the
production team of SSPG has been working accordingly to the new
schedule, which is now fully adapted to the doubled workload.

On the other hand, since such change has been made possible by the
readers' wishes, SSPG would like to emphasize that the success of
this new phase will depend on the subscribers' willingness to keep
their subscriptions. Such subscription demand was the key to the
successful return of the series to Brazil in 2001, and SSPG would
like to emphasize how important they will be in this new phase.

Besides the biweekly release schedule, the books of the "Aphily"
cycle will have many new features, such as new supplemental
sections with miscellaneous articles related to "Perry Rhodan",
science fiction and modern science, as well as more drawings. A
major change is the fact that a small percentage of the press run
of each book will feature the cover of the second story as the main
cover, and such "collector" editions will be sold only to people
who already have the "normal" book but would like to have all
covers in full detail.  

Source: SSPG

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Hiroto Matsuura@Osaka Pref. Univ., Energy System Eng.
Tel   : 081-(0)72-254-9226   Fax   : 081-(0)72-259-3340
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