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Date: Mon, 13 Nov 00 17:50:43 0900
From: Hiroto Matsuura <>
Subject: [PR-J 01257] "Perry Rhodan" - The TV Series, Survey (english)
Message-Id: <>
X-Mail-Count: 01257





Perry RhodanŽ¥ Ž¥ The TV Series



We are in the phase preparing production of a PERRY RHODAN-TV-Series.  To 
better understand the complex world of PERRY RHODAN, we
need your help.

We have compiled a few questions we ask you to answer as precise as 
possible.  The analysis of the survey sheets will help us set
the World Greatest Science-Fiction Series into television as exciting as 

Among all participants on that survey you can win one of five travels to 
the shooting location of the PERRY RHODAN TV Series.

And now, have fun working on that survey:

Personal Information:

You are            male                 female

Your age?

Going to school, or school graduation?

Your current job?

Since when did you start reading PERRY RHODAN?

In case you want to participate and win the travel; what is your name and 

Survey ends: 30. November 2000

Perry Rhodan Ž¥ The TV Series

1.      Which story line (cycle) is the most suitable?

2.      Name five Perry Rhodan hefte you like the most.

3.      Name the three silver books (SilberbçÏde) you think are the best.

4.      What author writes or wrote the most exciting PERRY RHODAN 

5.      Are you reading other Science Fiction novels?  What are these?

6.      Besides Perry Rhodan who are the most important returning 
characters of the series?

7.      Which are the most sympathetic figures of the series?

8.      Who is the most dangerous opponent of Perry Rhodan?  And why?

9.      Try with brief words to describe the character of Perry Rhodan:

10.  Which elements should definitely appear in a TV series?

11.  Which story elements or figures should not appear in a film?

12.  Can Perry Rhodan be compared with an amerikanischen SF hero?  If so, 
with whom?

13.  State important elements in a PERRY RHODAN TV Series:

q Action                                  
q Special Effects                      
q Erotic
q Humor                                  
q Excitement                           
q Mystery/Horror

14.  Which are your favorite SF Series?

15.  And which of the SF-Series don't you like at all?

16.  Who would be the ideal cast for the title role, German or 
International actor?

17.  Who would be actor of your choice for the following:

Reginald Bull/Bell


Homer G. Adams

Julian Tifflor

Mondra Diamond

18.  What do you think is the most interesting femal figure.  And who 
would be the actor (German/International) you feel would be
best choice?

19.  What German TV station would be your choice viewing PERRY RHODAN?

20.  Should each episode of approximately 45 minutes feature a 
self-contained story, or rather a story line going over several
episodes? (Please comment briefly.)

21.  Attached you will see a list of 40 SF-Film.  Please rate these.


Science Fiction Films to rate

Please review the following Science-Fiction-Films subjectively.
Identify grades like in school from 1 (best) to 6 (worst).

Don't grade films you have not seen.


Metropolis             (1926)

Metaluna 4 antwortet nicht             (1955)

Die Zeitmaschine            (1960)

$B''(Bahrenheit 451(I%(B     (1966)

$B'1(Berry Rhodan (I%(B SOS aus dem Weltall(I%(B            (1966)

$B'#(Barbarella(I%(B            (1967)

$B'1(Blanet der Affen(I%(B  (1968)

Ž¥2001: Odyssee im WeltraumŽ¥            (1968)

$B'"(Bndromeda (I%(B t$Bvd(Blicher Staub aus dem All(I%(B     (1971)

$B'%(Ber Omega Mann(I%(B (1971)

$B'6(Bhrwerk Orange(I%(B            (1971)

$B'%(Bark Star(I%(B            (1973)

$B'4(Boylent Green (I%(B Jahr 2022 (I%(B die $B|b(Berleben wollen(I%(B             (1973)

$B'8(Bestworld(I%(B            (1973)

$B'-(Bogan$BCT(B Run (I%(B Flucht ins 23. Jhdt.(I%(B   (1976)

$B'6(Bnheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art(I%(B            (1977)

$B',(Brieg der Sterne(I%(B (1977)

$B'"(Blien (I%(B das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt(I%(B   (1979)

$B',(Bampfstern Galactica(I%(B            (1979)

$B''(Blash Gordon(I%(B            (1980)

$B'4(Btar Trek (I%(B Der Film(I%(B            (1980)

$B'#(Blade Runner(I%(B            (1982)

$B'%(Bas Ding aus einer anderen Welt(I%(B   (1982)

$B'%(Bune (I%(B der W$B|s(Btenplanet(I%(B            (1984)

$B'"(Bliens(I%(B            (1986)

$B'3(BoboCop(I%(B            (1987)

$B'5(Botal Recall (I%(B Die totale Erinnerung(I%(B            (1990)

$B'5(Berminator(I%(B            (1991)

$B'4(Btargate(I%(B            (1994)

Ž¥12 MonkeysŽ¥             (1995)

$B'.(Bars Attacks(I%(B            (1996)

$B'*(Bndependance Day(I%(B    (1996)

$B'.(Ben in Black(I%(B            (1997)

$B'4(Btarship Troopers(I%(B            (1997)

$B'%(Bas f$B|n(Bfte Element(I%(B            (1997)

$B'$(Bontact(I%(B            (1997)

$B'&(Bvent Horizon(I%(B            (1997)

$B'-(Bost in Space(I%(B            (1998)

$B'$(Bube(I%(B (1998)

$B'.(Batrix(I%(B            (1999)

$B'4(Btar Wars Episode 1 (I%(B Die dunkle Bedrohung(I%(B            (1999)

 $B'.(Bission to Mars(I%(B   (2000)

$B'1(Bitch Black(I%(B            (2000)

Thank you very much!

Hiroto Matsuura@Osaka Pref. Univ, Energy System Eng.
$B>>1:(B  $B42?M!wBg:eI\N)Bg3XBg3X1!9)3X8&5f2J%(%M%k%.!<5!3#9)3XJ,Ln(B
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